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Donate Today!

Give a One-Time or Monthly Gift!

$281,328 raised

$250,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Thank you for your support!


Our mission is a call to action through education, the arts and memorial making. We teach social justice through lessons of the Holocaust, educating all about the dangers of hatred and bigotry to cultivate empathy and social responsibility. By painting ceramic butterflies, which are permanently displayed as symbols of resilience and hope, participants remember the 1.5 million children killed in the Holocaust. In this work, The Butterfly Project honors our commitment to the survivors to never forget.

With the presence of ongoing and upticks in antisemitism, The Butterfly Project remains committed to work tirelessly to educate, empower, and provide the resources for thousands of teachers, students and the community at large.

We hope you will support The Butterfly Project by making a meaningful gift in 2024!

Please know that EVERY DOLLAR COUNTS and all gifts large or small are welcomed with the same gratitude.


Funds raised provides The Butterfly Project the opportunity to put your dollars to work to keep Holocaust education and the youngest victims of the Holocaust alive. The Kaleidoscope Annual Fund is the heart and soul of The Butterfly Project’s fundraising efforts.

Your one time or monthly gift has the power to help us provide year-round Holocaust education to students and community organizations, provide educator trainings, programming, outreach and so much more. You can also choose to join the growing number of supporters who give to The Butterfly Project each month. Enter your information just once on our secure online form, and each month your gift is automatically withdrawn from your credit card or bank account. You can change or stop your gift at any time with one quick call or email. With your ongoing gift, you help provide a steady and reliable stream of income to help The Butterfly Project grow.

If you would like information on how to donate contributions greater than $10,000, please email us at or contact us by phone at (619) 790-7886 to hear more about our strategic plan and how notable contributions will help us achieve our mission.